Frexter – Cross-platform Free SMS sending app
I had mentioned in my earlier posts of writing a script for sending free sms using website. Recently last week I have completed that script with dedicated GUI for it capable of cross-platform applications. As usual I have used cookielib and urllib2 modules of python to trick the website of being used through a browser. For GUI, I have simply used glade which creates a xml for GUI blueprint and using gtk builder , the GUI actually comes to play.
For using the app in your own pc, you need to install python gtk module. A simple pip install would do that. It is also often found to be pre installed into ubuntu by default. Next, for developing GUI , Glade in conjunction with gtk was used. A good tutorial I have found here by gnipsel. Refer to these set of tutorials to create your own GUI using graphical interface of glade and importing the glade file to source python code.
Look at the screen shot for this app .
Here is the source code for the app
import gi gi.require_version('Gtk','3.0') from gi.repository import Gtk as gtk import urllib2 import cookielib import sys url = '' #For Cookies: cj = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) # Adding Header detail: fools webiste of being a browser opener.addheaders = [('User-Agent','Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.120 Safari/537.36')] class handler: def login(self, usr_data): global usock, opener, url try: usock =, usr_data) except IOError: #print "Error while logging in." self.statusbar.push(self.context_id,"Error while logging in.") #print "logged in" self.statusbar.push(self.context_id,"Logged in") def send_sms(self,number,message): global cj, opener, jession_id jession_id = str(cj).split('~')[1].split(' ')[0] send_sms_url = '' send_sms_data = 'ssaction=ss&Token='+jession_id+'&mobile='+number+'&message='+message+'&msgLen=136' opener.addheaders = [('Referer', ''+jession_id)] try: sms_sent_page =,send_sms_data) except IOError: #print "Error while sending message" self.statusbar.push(self.context_id,"Error while sending message") #print "SMS has been sent." self.statusbar.push(self.context_id,"SMS has been sent.") def on_window1_destroy(self, widget, data=None): # object comes from GtkObject signal category into which this functin was embeded #print "destroyed from cross" gtk.main_quit() def on_gtk_login_clicked(self, button, data=None): self.username=self.entry1.get_text() self.password=self.entry2.get_text() self.usr_data = 'username='+self.username+'&password='+self.password+'&Submit=Sign+in' #print self.usr_data self.login(self.usr_data) def on_gtk_send_clicked(self, button, data=None): # Important example for running textview. Need to work with textbuffer self.TextBuffer=self.textview1.get_buffer() self.start=self.TextBuffer.get_start_iter() self.end=self.TextBuffer.get_end_iter() self.message=self.TextBuffer.get_text(self.start, self.end, True) #print self.message self.message = "+".join(self.message.split(' ')) # encoding ' ' to '+' self.send_mob=self.entry3.get_text() self.send_sms(self.send_mob, self.message) def on_aboutbutton_clicked(self, button, data=None): self.aboutdialog.hide() def __init__(self): self.gladefile="" self.builder=gtk.Builder() self.builder.add_from_file(self.gladefile) self.builder.connect_signals(self) self.window1=self.builder.get_object('window1') # need to create instances of objects onto which functions are applied # exclusively for status bar activities self.statusbar=self.builder.get_object('statusbar1') self.context_id=self.statusbar.get_context_id('status') self.entry1=self.builder.get_object('entry1') self.entry2=self.builder.get_object('entry2') self.entry3=self.builder.get_object('entry3') self.textview1=self.builder.get_object('textview1') self.aboutdialog=self.builder.get_object('aboutdialog1') self.window1.show_all() main=handler() gtk.main()
Once you have completed the above mentioned tutorials understanding above source code would become self-explanatory. Every python code for an app would need its corresponding glade file. So I am attaching a zip folder below . To run the app in your linux system , try to install python module gi or gtk+3. Incase you have to edit some changes to my app’s GUI, install glade 3.16 from the official website.
Just decompress the folder and, create and run the executable of .py file using
That’s it. Enjoy free texting and do feel free to comment doubts or suggestions here.