Selected for Round 1, Anveshan’16 ADI

Well, my new semester kicked off with good news. I got selected to Round 1 of Anveshan IoT fellowship 2016 organized by Analog devices India. Its a biennial competition organized by Analog devices giving an opportunity for the Indian Engineering students, alumni, startups and makers, hobbyists and would-be-entrepreneurs to showcase their innovation, learn, design and architect a complete innovative product or an ioT service in a low risk setting with all the help from Analog Devices specialists and mentors, with the creation, funded and guided by Analog Devices for a full-fledged development duration, up to 9 months.


Siddharth Jha, one of my team mates in AGV brought me to notice about the competition to which I and my other team mate, Aashay bhise immediately got restless after looking such a great opportunity ahead. We then started to draft an idea within the boundaries specified for competition while referring upon the ideas we already had implemented in IEEE hackathon’15 at IIT Kharagpur itself. This competition had theme to develop device for ambient living by old age group, so we picked up our own ideas we submitted and modified it to more advanced level and finally drafted a ambitious project, which I think is enough to keep me engaged my coming semester. And for the funds for such ambitious project, well I don’t think I would even need to spend a penny after getting upto Rs1,00,000 funding solely for development of project by analog devices. For further notice to me, the cash award for winners is really huge, which atleast is a reasonable motivation for me to work my ass off during the semester, apart from the motivation to learn something new with this project.

The motive of project is to minimize the input of human assistance by introducing a system that can aid the visually impaired to perform everyday tasks (going places, localizing themselves) without presence of guardian individuals, while also providing real time location monitoring. Apart from this, the device can also be targeted to old aged people and people with partial disability, in assistance of similar nature.The intended system consists of a walking stick with different connected sensors, along with a wearable lower body garment that has an internet enabled embedded system. This system, which also aims to be cost effective,  vows to provide a solution to real time location monitoring (both indoors and outdoors) , navigation guidance, real-time assistance through gesture and voice recognition, distress management and other similar features.

At this point of time, I can’t much describe about my project to maintain its confidentiality. However, I will keep posting here new stuff learned during the coarse upto finals in March’17.


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